Hertog Jan - Grand Pilsener

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Hertog Jan - Grand Pilsener

Product specifications

  • Product name:Grand Pilsener
  • Main category:Lager
  • Sub category:Pilsner
  • Alcohol by Volume:5.7%
  • Volume:300ML
  • Material:Can
  • Ideal drinking temperature:4.5°C - 7.5°C

Brand specifications

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Hertog Jan - Grand Pilsener


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About Hertog Jan

Hertog Jan is a renowned brewery with a rich brewing heritage originating from the Netherlands. The company's specialty lies in the production of high-quality, flavorful beers. Founded in 1915, Hertog Jan is deeply rooted in Dutch brewing traditions and prides itself on its commitment to craftsmanship and excellence. The brewery's range of beers includes a variety of styles, such as lagers, pilsners, and specialty ales, each carefully crafted to deliver a unique and satisfying drinking experience. Hertog Jan's dedication to quality ingredients, meticulous brewing techniques, and attention to detail has earned it a strong reputation among beer enthusiasts in the Netherlands and beyond.

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